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Wednesday, 10 February 2021

How To Set up a Home File Server using FreeNAS

In today's digital world we've all got data, and lots of it. Our libraries are also growing rapidly: where you used to get by setting aside a few bookshelves for your books, CDs, DVDs and VHS tapes, we now require untold server space to preserve our beloved media in digitized form. We also want our data to be itinerant, or at least seem that way. That is, if you want to take a book or disc to another room of your abode, you pull it from the bookshelf and take it with you. Similarly, if you're working on a document upstairs on your desktop and you want to move to the den with your laptop, you'll need the proper infrastructure working in the background to enable that kind of wizardry. So, how can we create this "digital bookshelf?" Can you go out and buy it now? Can you build it in your garage? As it turns out, the answer is "yes" on all counts. You could go out and buy a Drobo device but in this case, we're going to assemble our own. And we're going to do that with the help of an open source storage platform called
FreeNAS. So how involved a process is that? Meet us after the break to find out.
What is FreeNAS you say? Put simply, it's is an operating system based on FreeBSD that brings with it a snazzy web interface for management, and all the protocols you need to share files between Windows, Mac and Linux. In other words, a perfect solution for your digital bookshelf. Let's get to it.

Here's what you'll need, hardware-wise:
A 64-bit Intel or AMD processor. (While FreeNAS does support 32-bit environments, you'll want 64-bit to utilize the ZFS file system to it's potential. More on that later.)
A system board with a decent amount of SATA ports.
At least 4GB of RAM. FreeNAS documentation recommends a minimum of 6GB of RAM for best performance with ZFS. We found 4GB worked just fine. A general rule of thumb is 1GB of RAM for every 1TB of storage.
At least three SATA hard drives. (As with RAM, the more hard drives you have, the better.)
One CAT5 cable. (This thing needs to connect to your home network, obviously.)
One USB thumb drive to install the FreeNAS OS image.
One blank CD-R / CD-RW for writing the FreeNAS ISO in preparation for the installation.
Oh yeah, the 64-bit FreeNAS ISO image itself, which you can snag here. (Version 8.0.3-p1 at the time of this writing.)However, since the economy is tough and budgets are tight, we wanted to show that you don't necessarily need the bee's knees of hardware to get FreeNAS up and running. We had the following components lying around, and they worked stupendously:
  • One AMD Phenom 8650 triple-core CPU
  • 4GB RAM (2x 2GB DIMMS)
  • Gigabyte GMA-MA770-UP3 System Board
  • One 150GB SATA DRIVE
  • One 250GB SATA DRIVE
  • One 8GB SanDisk Cruzer USB thumb drive
  • One CD / DVD-ROM combo drive
Sidenote: Drives are supremely important here. Ideally, you would have at least five 1TB SATA HDDs and a separate SSD for the ZFS Intent Log (ZIL). If you wanted to take it one step further, you could mirror the ZIL with two solid-state drives. This would provide a very redundant and high-performing NAS. However, the scope of this how-to is strictly getting a cheap FreeNAS environment up and running with the most basic of hardware. Especially since flooding in the Asia-Pacific areas have caused HD prices to nearly double in price, 1TB drives do not come cheap compared to a year ago.

If you're one of those extremely cautious people who has to double check everything, here's a URL to the FreeNAS hardware requirements. We recommend you at least glance at them if you're going to go out and hunt down shiny new hardware.

Once you've got your hardware squared away we have to get some things out in the open:
FreeNAS needs to be installed on a USB drive separate from the disks you intend to use for your storage volumes. Put simply, if you were to install FreeNAS (which only requires 2GB of storage) on a spankin' new 1TB HD, you'd lose 1022GB of said hard disk. FreeNAS can not utilize the drive on which it's installed for storage. So, that's why you need that USB stick.
Think about where you want to keep your FreeNAS box. Once you install the OS you can throw the box in a closet with power and a network connection, and let 'er run. Once the initial setup is complete, you can manage the configuration using the web interface. Just a thought.
Forget about WiFi. We know your little wheels are spinning -- just forget it. Trust us on this one.Other than those three items, there's not much more to worry about -- it's time to install FreeNAS. To make things extra simple, we'll break this into numbered steps for you.

FreeNAS Installation1. The very first step is to download the FreeNAS ISO image and burn it to a blank CD-R/CD-RW. You can get the file here.

2. Place the USB stick into a USB port that's attached directly to your system board. Don't insert it into one of those front panel sockets; to be safe it should be in the back of the PC. Yours truly had some weird results using front panel USB ports, which included installations crashing and very slow operation.

3. Power up your machine and head directly to your BIOS config. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. We have to be sure to set the boot devices in the proper order. Since BIOS options vary from device to device, here's the basic the order you want: CD/DVD drive, USB HDD, disable all other devices. Save your settings, place the freshly baked CD in your drive and reboot.

4. If everything went well with the last step you should now be booting to the first bootloader. You'll see some text scrolling and gibberish like so:

Next you'll get to the bootloader, which looks like this:

5. At this point you can either press Enter or allow the timer to count down. Whichever you choose, you'll end up in the actual FreeNAS installer here:

You'll be selecting the first option:"Install / Upgrade..."

6. Odds are your device will be listed as da0 on this screen as well. Double check the description and size to be sure. As you can see, in our case it plainly reads, "SanDisk Cruzer 8.02 -- 7.5GiB," the name of our USB Stick. Select your device and press Enter.

7. The installer here gives us a nice little warning which states that all data will be wiped from your drive for installation. Hit "Yes" to proceed.

8. As soon as you press Enter you'll notice the dialogue beginning at the bottom of the screen. Man, that's flashy. Eventually, you'll see a message reassuring you the installation is complete and that it's time to reboot again.

9. It does as it's told. Hit Enter and remove the CD from your drive so you boot to your newly minted FreeNAS installation. Once your computer reboots, you'll be inside the FreeNAS OS.

At this point, if you see this screen, go ahead and let out a single "woot!" You deserve it. Congratulations, you've now got FreeNAS installed. Okay, now get a hold of yourself, as we've still gotta carve out some disk volumes and share 'em.

Create disc volumes
1. Make note of the next-to-last line on the screen (highlighted in green below): That's telling us the URL through which we can access the FreeNAS management interface.

Sidenote: By default, FreeNAS utilizes DHCP for obtaining IP addresses; your IP is almost certainly going to be different. In most home environments, DHCP is used for serving out IP addresses, so it's easiest to leave the FreeNAS configuration as is to avoid any IP conflicts on your home network. If a storm knocks out power to your home and everything reboots, you may have to check this screen again if your DHCP client tables gets wiped out, as the address may change. If you happen to be running a network where you statically set IP addresses, good for you. You'll of course need to set a static address on your FreeNAS system by choosing option one on the Console Setup Screen. We won't cover configuring static addresses in this how-to, so you're on your own there.

2. Let's open up the management interface now. From another computer on your network, open up a web browser and enter the address you see on your FreeNAS machine. You should see this:

3. Notice in the top right you see that red "Alert" light blinking. Click it now.

FreeNAS is warning us there's no password. Thanks, FreeNAS! Anyway, let's go ahead and set one. Select "Account" over on the left, then "My Account", then "Change Password". Enter a password that's not "password" and click "Change Admin.." Simple enough, right?

Create a userNext up, we need to create a regular, non-administrator user. In the left menu, expand "Account", then "Users" and click "Add User." Fill in the details required: username, real name and password, with the primary group set to "wheel." (We complete this step on the off chance you'll get prompted for credentials when you connect to your share later on.)

With that business out of the way, it's time to set up our disks and file sharing. But first, we need to make sure you understand two key points. For starters, FreeNAS supports two types of file systems and three sharing protocols. Let's discuss the two file systems first.

UFS. An old stand-by, the Unix File System. Don't get us wrong, it's a solid system; we just don't want to use it here. For one thing, it lacks the volume management, RAID and pooling options we can get with our second option, ZFS.
ZFS. The hot new kid on the block. This is the file system we want to use, mostly because of ZFS' data integrity, which promises safer, more resilient storage. Not an insignificant factor if you're trying to preserve a lifetime's worth of photos, or hundreds of tracks that cost you $0.99 apiece. We could spend a great deal of time talking about ZFS, but that's a topic for another day. For now, let's get on with it and talk about FreeNAS' sharing protocols.As we said, FreeNAS supports three sharing methods:
CIFS/SAMBA. Open-source implementation of Microsoft's SMB (Now mainly referred to as CIFS)
AFP. Apple Filing Protocol
NFS. Network File SystemAll three of these have their advantages and trade-offs. For simplicity's sake, we're going to show you how to set up a CIFS share. This is because Windows, OS X and your favorite GNU/Linux distro all offer support for this protocol out of the box.

1. First, we have to set up our disk volumes. In the left menu, expand "Storage," then "Volumes" and select "Create Volume." You should see this screen:

Before you check any disks, give the volume a name and click "ZFS." This will show the ZFS Extra section. Notice iyou can select None, Log, Cache or Spare for each disk listed. You would use these options if you wished to host your ZFS Log data or cache on a separate drive, like an SSD, to increase performance. The spare option would allow the drive to operate as a backup in the event one of the other drives failed. For the purpose of this guide, we'll leave them all set to "None."

2. Check all of the disks in the "Member disks" section.

Notice the "Group Type" there? FreeNAS is asking us what type of volume we want. Since we only have three disks, our available options are: ZFS Mirror, ZFS Stripe or RAID-Z. Remember, we aren't focusing on UFS file systems here.
A ZFS mirrored volume would create a volume of the three drives above limited to the space of the smallest drive. So, we'd get a 71.4GB volume that had a one-to-one copy on our 250GB drive and 160GB drive. In case one of the drives died, we'd still have a backup copy on the other. This would be a poor choice with the combination of drives we're using, since we'd lose so much available storage. Also not a wise choice with the availability of RAID-Z.
A striped volume creates a volume which has an available size of all disks combined. So in this case we'd get 442.5GB of storage available, with no redundancy. Not the best setup for redundancy, because if a drive fails, your volume goes offline and you'll have possible data loss. Always remember: it's never a question of if a hard drive will fail, but when. This is, however, the best setup for providing the maximum amount of storage space.
A RAID-Z1 Volume, in the most basic of terms, is an advanced mirror. Yours truly could write a whitepaper on RAID-Z, but it's really beyond the scope of this how-to. However, this is the best option if you've got at least three drives of the same size.In our case, we'll go with ZFS Stripe. If you have a better disk setup than us -- say, three 1TB drives -- you'll want to choose RAID-Z or ZFS Stripe with two drives and configure the third drive as a spare in the ZFS Extra settings.

Finishing up
At last, we click "Add volume" and the volume is created. Next, change the permissions on that volume so that anyone can read and write to it.

1. On the left, under Storage > Volumes, you should now see it listed as /mnt/myvolname, where "myvolname" is the name you gave to your newly minted volume . In our case, it's /mnt/data. Expand that menu and click "Change Permissions."

2. Under the "Mode" section, select both unchecked boxes beside "Write" and select "Set permission recursively."

3. Click the "Change" button to set the permissions.

Now it's time to share that volume and get on with the exciting business of saving your data.
The very first thing we need to do is enable the services required to share our files. Since we're using CIFS specifically, we want to enable the service required for that particular protocol. So, click on the "Services" button with the gears icon at the top of the page, and you should see this:

Hit the "OFF" button to enable CIFS. Here, you can also enable any other protocol you'd like, such as SSH, NFS, AFP, et cetera. The slider should be flipped to "ON" when you're done.

Next, click the wrench icon to bring up the CIFS service options. We want to check the "Allow guest access" checkbox and click OK.

Now, let's create our CIFS share. On the left menu, expand "Sharing", then "CIFS Shares" and click "Add CIFS Share."

Give your CIFS share a name, and select the path to the volume you just created. In our case /mnt/data not /mnt/vol1. Basically prepend "/mnt/" to the name you gave your volume. Make sure to check "Browsable to Network Clients," "Allow Guest Access." Scroll down and click "OK."
Ta-da! you can now access your share from your clients. From a windows host: Type "\\ " in either the Start menu search bar or an Explorer bar. Example: "\\ \ datacifs ." If you're using a Mac, meanwhile, go to Finder, hit "Go," click "Connect to server" and type smb:// . For example: "smb:// / datacifs /." And from a Linux host, simply smbmount // / datacifs /path/to/mountpoint.

Now you can enjoy your FreeNAS storage. Start copying over your music, pictures and movies. And hey, now you can enable UPnP in FreeNAS and pickup a media player that supports DLNA. There's really so much you can do with a home NAS. Exploring is half the fun.

Linux Basic Command Line Shortcut Di Terminal Shell

Bekerja di terminal menggunakan berbagai baris perintah itu menyenangkan. Setidaknya hal ini berlaku bagi mereka yang sudah dapat dikategorikan sebagai pengguna mahir Linux. Para sysadmin, netadmin, post master, programmer, hacker, dan sebangsanya bahkan tetap akan membuka jendela terminal walaupun sedang menggunakan sistem operasi seindah MacOS X. Pengguna Linux pemula tentu saja tidak perlu minder apalagi harus phobia dengan command line dan terminal. Semua kemampuan itu bisa dipelajari. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu dijamin akan semakin nyaman bekerja di terminal.

Untuk semakin menambah kenyamanan bekerja di terminal, berikut ini Tutorial Ngoprek merangkum beberapa shortcut di terminal yang dapat mempermudah pekerjaan kita.

Ctrl + A, shortcut ini digunakan untuk melompat ke awal baris.
Ctrl + E, shortcut ini digunakan untuk melompat ke akhir baris.
Ctrl + L, shortcut ini digunakan untuk membersihkan layar seperti perintah clear.
Ctrl + U, shortcut ini digunakan untuk membersihkan baris perintah sebelum posisi kursor saat ini. Jika kita sedang berada di akhir baris, maka bersihkan seluruh baris.
Ctrl + H, sama seperti backspace.
Ctrl + R, shortcut ini digunakan untuk mencari perintah-perintah yang kita jalankan sebelumnya.
Ctrl + C, shortcut ini digunakan untuk membatalkan (kill) perintah yang sedang berjalan saat ini.
Ctrl + D, shortcut ini digunakan untuk keluar dari terminal.
Ctrl + Z, kirim perintah yang sedang berjalan ke background, kembalikan dengan perintah fg.
Ctrl + W, hapus kata sebelum kursor.
Ctrl + K, shortcut ini digunakan untuk menghapus baris perintah dari posisi kursor saat ini hingga akhir baris.
Ctrl + T, pertukarkan dua karakter sebelum posisi kursor saat ini.
Esc + T, pertukarkan dua kata sebelum posisi kursor saat ini.
Alt + F, pindah kursor ke depan sebanyak satu kata.
Alt + B, pindah kursor ke belakang sebanyak satu kata.
Tab, auto-complete nama berkas dan direktori.

VI Editor with Commands in Linux/Unix Tutorial

What is the VI editor?
The VI editor is the most popular and classic text editor in the Linux family. Below, are some reasons which make it a widely used editor –

1) It is available in almost all Linux Distributions
2) It works the same across different platforms and Distributions
3) It is user-friendly. Hence, millions of Linux users love it and use it for their editing needs

Nowadays, there are advanced versions of the vi editor available, and the most popular one is VIM which is Vi Improved. Some of the other ones are Elvis, Nvi, Nano, and Vile. It is wise to learn vi because it is feature-rich and offers endless possibilities to edit a file.

To work on VI editor, you need to understand its operation modes. They can be divided into two main parts.

vi Command mode:
The vi editor opens in this mode, and it only understands commands
In this mode, you can, move the cursor and cut, copy, paste the text
This mode also saves the changes you have made to the file
Commands are case sensitive. You should use the right letter case.
vi Editor Insert mode:

This mode is for inserting text in the file.
You can switch to the Insert mode from the command mode by pressing 'i' on the keyboard
Once you are in Insert mode, any key would be taken as an input for the file on which you are currently working.
To return to the command mode and save the changes you have made you need to press the Esc key
How to use vi editor
To launch the VI Editor -Open the Terminal (CLI) and type

vi <filename_NEW> or <filename_EXISTING>

And if you specify an existing file, then the editor would open it for you to edit. Else, you can create a new file.

VI Editing commands
i - Insert at cursor (goes into insert mode)
a - Write after cursor (goes into insert mode)
A - Write at the end of line (goes into insert mode)
ESC - Terminate insert mode
u - Undo last change
U - Undo all changes to the entire line
o - Open a new line (goes into insert mode)
dd - Delete line
3dd - Delete 3 lines.
D - Delete contents of line after the cursor
C - Delete contents of a line after the cursor and insert new text. Press ESC key to end insertion.
dw - Delete word
4dw - Delete 4 words
cw - Change word
x - Delete character at the cursor
r - Replace character
R - Overwrite characters from cursor onward
s - Substitute one character under cursor continue to insert
S - Substitute entire line and begin to insert at the beginning of the line
~ - Change case of individual character

Note: You should be in the "command mode" to execute these commands. VI editor is case-sensitive so make sure you type the commands in the right letter-case.

Make sure you press the right command otherwise you will end up making undesirable changes to the file. You can also enter the insert mode by pressing a, A, o, as required.

Moving within a file
k - Move cursor up
j - Move cursor down
h - Move cursor left
l - Move cursor right

You need to be in the command mode to move within a file. The default keys for navigation are mentioned below else; You can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Saving and Closing the file
Shift+zz - Save the file and quit
:w - Save the file but keep it open
:q - Quit without saving
:wq - Save the file and quit

You should be in the command mode to exit the editor and save changes to the file.

The vi editor is the most popular and commonly used Unix text editor
It is usually available in all Linux Distributions.
It works in two modes, Command and Insert
Command mode takes the user commands, and the Insert mode is for editing text
You should know the commands to work on your file easily
Learning to use this editor can benefit you in creating scripts and editing files.

Instalasi Trixbox VOIP Server, Community Edition

Ingin punya server VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) sendiri tapi tidak ingin ribet dengan berbagai konfigurasi Asterisk yang njelimet? Trixbox CE (Community Edition) solusinya. Distro ini dikembangkan untuk solusi komunikasi terintegrasi menggunakan VOIP. Trixbox CE mempermudah instalasi dan konfigurasi Asterisk sebagai VOIP server dengan menyediakan antarmuka berbasis web yang lebih bersahabat dengan pemula. Trixbox CE sendiri merupakan versi 'free' dari Trixbox Pro. Trixbox dikembangkan dengan basis CentOS.
ISO image Trixbox CE dapat diunduh dari http://fonality.com/trixbox/downloads. Installer Trixbox CE akan menghapus semua partisi di harddisk. Jadi pastikan data di komputer yang digunakan untuk instalasi sudah diamankan. Kalau tidak mau mengambil resiko kehilangan data, gunakan saja virtual machine. Setelah mengunduh image Trixbox CE, bakar ke CD-ROM lalu boot komputer menggunakan CD-ROM tersebut.

Tekan tombol Enter di menu pilihan boot untuk langsung masuk ke menu installer Trixbox CE. Opsi-opsi lain dapat dilihat dengan tombol F1, F2, F3, F4, dan F5.

Di layar berikutnya pilih jenis papan ketik yang kita gunakan. Biasanya di Indonesia menggunakan jenis us. Tekan tombol Tab untuk menyorot OK, lalu eksekusi dengan Enter.

Untuk konfigurasi zona waktu, pilih Asia/Jakarta untuk WIB.

Masukkan password untuk root yang merupakan satu-satunya user yang dibuat dalam proses instalasi Trixbox CE.

Proses instalasi ke harddisk akan dimulai segera sesudah kita memilih OK pada konfigurasi password root. Tidak ada pengaturan partisi sama sekali, semua harddisk akan dipartisi ulang secara otomatis.

Trixbox CE akan otomatis reboot ke sistem baru di akhir proses instalasi. Di GRUB biarkan saja pilihan default untuk masuk ke sistem Trixbox CE.

Login menggunakan username root dan password yang ditetapkan di proses instalasi. Untuk konfigurasi Asterisk VOIP server, akses alamat IP Trixbox CE dari browser, gunakan username maint dan password password untuk login.

Instalasi Trixbox CE VOIP server selesai, berikutnya kita harus konfigurasi Asterisk menggunakan antarmuka web Trixbox CE.

Mengenal Web Administrasi
Setelah selesai melakukan instalasi Trixbox VOIP Community Edition, kita sudah dapat melakukan administrasi server tersebut melalui antarmuka berbasis web. Caranya sangat mudah, kita cukup menggunakan web browser untuk mengakses alamat IP dari Trixbox. Dalam artikel ini, saya akan mencoba menjelaskan beberapa menu utama yang ada di web administrasi server VOIP Trixbox. Baiklah, mari kita mulai!

Dalam tutorial ini, Trixbox dipasang di server dengan alamat IP Alamat inilah yang kita masukkan ke address bar web browser. Berikut ini adalah tangkapan layar saat pertama kali melakukan akses.

Karena masih berada di User Mode kita perlu pindah ke Maintenance Mode dengan klik pada tombol [ switch ] yang terdapat di pojok kanan atas. Kemudian masukkan maint dan password berturut-turut pada field User Name dan Password seperti tampak di bawah.

Kita sudah masuk ke mode admnistrasi server Trixbox. Tampilan di halaman utama adalah statistik dari sistem yang sedang berjalan. Dari sini menu-menu dapat diakses pada menu bar yang ada di bawah logo Trixbox.

Menu PBX
Menu utama yang nantinya paling sering kita gunakan adalah menu PBX.

Menu ini mempunya enam submenu, yang pertama adalah PBX Settings. Di menu ini kita dapat menambahkan, menghapus, maupun memperbarui berbagai konfigurasi utama. Pengaturan ekstensi, inbound dan outbound route, ring groups, IVR, dll dilakukan di sini.

Submenu ke-2 adalah Config File Editor yang dapat kita gunakan untuk menyunting langsung berkas konfigurasi Asterisk dan FreePBX. Para pengguna tingkat lanjut mungkin akan memilih cara ini dari pada cara pertama di atas.

Submenu ke-3 adalah PBX Status yang menampilkan informasi dari log server Asterisk.

Submenu ke-4 adalah Endpoint Manager yang sangat berguna pada saat kita menambahkan IP phone ke dalam jaringan VOIP yang sedang dikembangkan.

Submenu ke-5 adalah Bulk Extensions, dapat kita gunakan untuk menambahkan nomor ekstensi telepon secara massal menggunakan berkas CSV.

Submenu terakhir adalah CDR Report.

Menu System
Menu selanjutnya adalah System. Di menu ini juga terdapat beberapa submenu.

Submenu pertama adalah System Info yang menampilkan informasi tentang sistem mulai dari hostname, alamat IP, uptime, penggunaan jaringan, hingga informasi perangkat keras.

Submenu ke-2 adalah System Maint yang fungsinya sangat jelas tergambar dari tombol-tombol di dalamnya.

Submenu ke-3 yaitu Network menampilkan informasi tentang kartu jaringan beserta atributnya. Kita dapat juga mengubah alamat IP dari menu ini menggunakan tombol Edit Network Parameters.

Submenu terakhir dengan nama Backup berisi konfigurasi backup plan beserta berkas-berkas apa saja yang akan diikutsertakan dalam proses pembuatan backup.

Menu Settings
Menu yang ke-3 Settings, berisi tiga submenu yaitu Repositories, Registration, dan General Settings.

Submenu Repositories berisi pilihan-pilihan repositori perangkat lunak yang hendak digunakan untuk server VOIP Trixbox ini. Untuk mengaktifkannya kita cukup mencentang pada pilihan repositori lalu klik tombol Submit.

Submenu Registration digunakan untuk mendaftar guna mendapatkan dukungan resmi dari Fonality selaku pengembang distro Trixbox.

Submenu terakhir di menu ini adalah General Settings yang isinya hanya konfigurasi untuk SMTP dan Hardware Auditing.

Selain tiga menu di atas masih terdapat dua menu lainnya yaitu System Status dan Packages. System Status sesuai dengan namanya menampilkan status dari berbagai layanan yang berjalan di server. Kita akan selalu melihatnya saat login ke mode maintenance. Sedangkan menu Packages menampilkan perangkat lunak yang dapat kita tambahkan dari repositori.